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Investment Strategy: The Basics — Investment Capital
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Investment Capital

What Is Your Investment Capital?

Investment Capital is the money that you have set aside to invest.

How you decide to invest this money is based on whether you want to make risky investments or safe investments, and how fast you want to grow your investment capital. However you choose to grow your investment capital, it is important to know what kind of risk you want to take, and stay within your comfort zone. You may also want to know when you're going to see a return on your investment. Investors who want some return twice a year should look at dividend and interest bearing investments.


You are an investor who values keeping your investment money safe more than making it grow

0/23 (0%) Correct
  • 1
    Invest in brand-new startups
  • 2
    Buy options in unstable companies
  • 3
    Hide your money under the bed
  • 4
    Invest in large stable companies
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Alex's thoughts: 
I like to mix my portfolio with different types of risky and safe investments as well as diferent durations until I see a return.

This is what the suits call a Diversified Portfolio
