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SprinkleBit Help Center — How Do I Know if the Stock is Worth Buying?
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How Do I Know if the Stock is Worth Buying?

How Do I Know If a Stock Is Worth Buying?

SprinkleBit provides a number of features to help you see if a stock is worth investing in.

Here’s what you can do to decide whether you should buy a stock.

How to Tell If a Stock Is Worth Buying

See the Stock’s VPI

The search icon to help you find stocks in the SprinkleBit stock market simulator.

Check the stock’s The search icon to help you find stocks in the SprinkleBit stock market simulator. Value Prediction Index (VPI) on the stock’s screen.

This is how you can instantly see how convinced the community is that the stock will gain in price.

See the Stock Chart

The stock chart icon on SprinkleBit.

Stock The stock chart icon on SprinkleBit. Charts illustrate price movement of a stock over a chosen time period to help you decide whether the stock is worth a buy. They help you see how the stock in question has performed over time and make educated guesses whether the stock price will go up or down.

Tap and slide your finger over the chart to see the exact stock price at each minute of the trading day.

Read Posts About the Stock

Flters in the SprinkleBit investment simulator app.

Scroll down the stock’s screen to discover the latest posts and mentions about the stock. 


Additionally, you can tap Filter under the Buy/Sell Buttons on the stock's screen to filter stock mentions by the following categories:

  • News on SprinkleBit  Trades — see who has traded the stock and their motivations behind the trades.
  • News on SprinkleBit  News — see the latest news and updates about the stock sourced from outside SprinkleBit.
  • Talks Icon on SprinkleBit Talks — see what people are saying about the stock.
  • Charts on SprinkleBit Charts — see the latest charts, videos and images mentioning the stock.

Note: by default, you see all the mentions for the stock in your news feed.

Use the Analyzer

The stock Analyzer icon in the SprinkleBit stock market simulator app.

The SprinkleBit The stock Analyzer icon in the SprinkleBit stock market simulator app. Analyzer tool compares the stock in question to its closest competitors across a wide set of metrics. This way, you can see if the stock is under- or overvalued, as if you had a personal Wall Street expert right in your own pocket.

Set Alerts

SprinkleBit Alerts help you keep track of things as you learn investing.

Stock SprinkleBit Alerts help you keep track of things as you learn investing. Alerts provide you with a hassle-free way to keep track of the stocks you’re interested in. For example, you can set an Alert to get notified when a stock hits the price you’re willing to pay.

Ask for Advice from the Community

Connect with the SprinkleBit community.

Feel free to ask advice from the SprinkleBit community. You can also check out the SprinkleBit Alerts help you keep track of things as you learn investing. Groups tab on your SprinkleBit Alerts help you keep track of things as you learn investing. Activity screen to find a group to join or even create your own group to discuss any stock-related questions you might have.
